Hi, guys! This is the first and second update for my online million dollar journey.
Update Nr.1 – Aug 1
- Received a payout from one of the last projects. ($$$)
- Selling my dropshipping business
- Selling one of the big Instagram accounts
- Started a new website with an awesome niche
(outsourcing everything)
- Working non-stop. (no weekends, no nothing)PS: I passed [jgc_cfr]10k [/jgc_cfr] in bank account
, but still no apartment found.
Update Nr.2 – Aug 10
- Started a blog that I plan to monetize in 3 months.
expense :
12 $ ( domain )
36$ ( 5 articles x 1000 words )
23$ research keywords )
14$ (1 article x 900 words)
Improved my Graphic Design portfolio website [still under dev] – Feels good
Goals Reminder:
1. Find an apartment ASAP.
2. Graduate in February.
3. Have at least [jgc_cfr]20k euros [/jgc_cfr] in my bank account by 1 February 2018
PS: I don’t put my investment in this because they are risky and I am willing to lose them all. Only if I sell them and put it in the bank.