Hi guys!
Another month passed, and I am ready to give you an update.
Remember what we talked about in the last post?
I told you how February was our best month, and the agency is growing, well in March everything fell.
A lot happened, let’s segment each.
Digital Agency
Here we saw a significant fall, in the first three weeks when the “panicking” happened we basically had 0 revenue.
We stayed home as well since 13 march, so it’s been three weeks since we work from home.
The phone stopped calling.
I knew I had to do something, or else we will have nothing to do since I am not planning to be a spectator in all of this.
I must take action.
So what did I do? I stopped the Google Ads campaign for a while because it wasn’t profitable.
With the money remained from Google Ads, I started to create an ad copy for Facebook.
Facebook Campaign
Keep in mind that this was the first time when I am advertising my agency on Facebook since I knew from my previous campaigns that entrepreneurs don’t stay on Facebook.
Now you may ask, why Facebook?
I noticed that a lot of entrepreneurs are sharing their thoughts on groups, and they are searching for answers on how to pass these awful times.
So I created not one, not two, but six ads that target “small business owners.”
I split these six ads into two categories: one with a short ad copy and another with a long ad copy.
3 ads – all 3 with different pictures and short text
3 ads – all 3 with different pictures and long text
Let me show you a quick screenshot after three days of rolling the ad.

So, what is interesting here is that the short ad copy got six at relevance score and the one with the long text got 8. (it was 9 in the first two days)
After 5 days of testing, I stopped 5 out of 6 ad copies and kept the best performing ad. (which is the long text ad copy)
The ad got amazing feedback. I even got one comment where a lady says, “The first awesome ad I read in a long time. I read everything and even managed to click the website. Congrats!”
This is a rough translation, since the ad copy is in Romanian, for the Romanian market.
As a result, the phone started to ring again and got some leads on email.
What was in the ad copy?
I am going to try to explain it, not translate it. Basically, I was trying to monetize fear. There is a popular tactic in persuasion called “problem/relief.”
It’s really simple.
- You identify the problem.
- You talk about the repercussions of the problem.
- Create tension.
- Then you present the relief, how you can solve his problem and save everything.
- In the end, you give him a call to action. (your website)
Now let’s apply this to our situation.
The problem – Offline businesses are facing a 70% to 100% drop in revenue because of the virus.
Repercussion – The business will shut down, and their family will be affected (ad a dramatic feel)
Relief / Solution – Your business needs to adapt, evolve.
Call to action – Your agency can transform their offline business to an online store.
I am seeing good results at the moment with this tactic. The ad is receiving likes, shares, and comments.

Go and test it for yourself. Add a personal touch and share the results with me ๐
Next is:
Content Strategy.
Because I stayed inside for three weeks already, that gave me more time to focus on things like content strategy.
For my main money site, I wrote 16,288 words. Here’s proof:

In total, I got: 54,404 words, which translates in 4 hours and 32 minutes of reading.

I wrote lengthy articles with high-quality value for the Romanian market. I am going to show all these agencies what SEO means :)).
Planing to go for 100.000 words by the end of the year, but probably I am going to hit this number a lot faster.
Check a screenshot of my organic traffic:

It starts to rank in 5 months, even though I created 0 backlinks :)).
The SEO game is starting to change; the spammy links don’t work anymore. And in the Romanian market, the SEO agencies are still grinding on the same old tactics with content from 2012.
I am going to outrank them once I am ready with my content. After 100.000, I am starting Off-page SEO.
Let’s go to the next part of the update.
Building an authority site
Ok, now remember when I told I want to create an authority site besides my agency sites.
I started to find joy again on growing websites, so I started another site.
What has been done so far:
- Niche research. I believe we found a golden nugget here ๐ Very curious to see how it will perform.
- Content strategy for the website
- The first article with 3000 words.
- Home page design
- About us page design
- On-page optimization for two pages
- Meta description
- Dream keywords research
There is a lot to do in the future for this website. Again I will push at least 50.000 words before I start with building links.
I am excited about this one since it is an evergreen niche. A lot of possible ways to monetize this one.
I am planning to treat this as a study case. Unfortunately, I will not share the niche for now.
I am counting from 1 April 2020 to 1 April 2022. So 2 years from now to see what happens.
In the future, I want to share with you guys, more cool ways to acquire clients.
Treat subjects in-depth like funnels, content strategy, ads strategies.
I will share here everything I can. My content is free for now and possibly more valuable than 90% of gurus out there :))